
World's first 'Stock Market' in 40 years opens
October 13 2050

By Calcutta ZI finance reporter: Carl Zietpunda

Largely unnoticed by the broader financial world, the CFX or Calcutta Financial Exchange, opened for trading today - the first legal 'stock market' allowed to trade since the global financial collapse of 2015.

Younger readers may not remember, but 'stock markets' ruled the financial world in the pre-Binary era, and the rise and fall of the company 'shares' traded on the market could make or break the wealth of individuals, corporations, or even countries.

Stock markets and share trading, in all its various flavours, were outlawed in the major economies in 2010 and since then simpler forms of 'share trading' have only been seen in developing countries and these rogue exchanges are shut down just as quickly as they spring up.

Calcutta Finance Minister Shuri Evewattra says the new CFX will lead to more transparent financial dealings between major government institutions.

"Since governments took control of the finance sector globally in 2008, much of the trading and deals between governments has been hidden behind freedom of information and state security laws which prohibit ordinary citizens from gaining true insight into what their governments are doing with their tax dollars," Evewattra says.

"I was nominated to this position because I believe in transparency and a public exchange, properly regulated and managed by the Ministry, is the best way to achieve that."

Only Government listed commercial entities will be allowed to trade 'shares' on the CFX. In order to list they will be required to disclose all details of the financial status at least once every five years.

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